Unsolved: Justice For The Dead was created by Eve Katz, Ben Minke, Gage Pacetti, Ryan Grover and Kelsey Connolly. The logline, written by Eve Katz, states, “You’ve heard that Private Investigator Everett Chase is damn good at his job, but that doesn’t mean that cases don’t slip through the cracks. Now you’ve come to see him for yourself, but the souls of those lost in his unsolved cases are also seeking answers.”
visuals pitch deck
Proposed Logo sketches
Haunt name created by Eve Katz and Ryan Grover.
Final Logo variations
Haunt name created by Eve Katz and Ryan Grover.
private investigator graphics
All writing was done by Eve Katz.
1930’s Diner Signage
Top two images were written by Eve Katz. Bottom two images written by Gage Pacetti.
missing posters
All writing was done by Eve Katz.
No entry signage
Other Documents
Kelsey Connolly designed the Writing, Operations and Scope documents. The Writing Document was done by Eve Katz, Operations by Ben Minke, Layout by Ryan Grover and Scope by Ben Minke.