COOK-OFF restaurant SIGNage
This set of signage is for a sinking pirate ship restaurant that has sharks and pirates currently performing a cook-off so guests can decide whose food is better.
Restaurant Story
Pirates negotiate for their lives after a group of sharks break into their ship. The sharks agree that they will spare the pirates’ lives in exchange for some delicious food. As the pirates sat back expecting the sharks to be blown away by their meals the pirates were sorely disappointed. The sharks became enraged and complained about how awful the food was. The sharks decided to show the pirates what great food actually tastes like. Surprisingly, the pirates hated the shark’s cooking too! Unable to decide whose food was better both parties are engaged in a cook-off while onboard the sinking ship and we are invited to choose whose food is better.
Monument ID Sign
The monument ID sign is made of the wooden planks from the restaurant’s entryway which is a large pirate ship. The hole in the side of the ship was created when the sharks broke on board. Some of the damage from breaking on board can be seen in the shark bite on the sign and the irregular edges.
Voting System
The voting system gives guests the chance to voice their opinions on whose food is better. The pirate’s and shark’s scores are on a wall mounted display that changes after one of the buttons on the freestanding chest is pressed. The scores are shown as bubbles through a porthole since the ship is actively sinking.